Our Schools
Millbrook Middle School
Principal: Steven Cabello
Millbrook Middle School is a suburban school found in the heart of the Hudson Valley of roughly 200 students in grades 6-8. Millbrook Middle School runs on a nine period day that begins in HomeBase to address character education and students' social-emotional needs. Daily periods provide students with core middle level courses while supplementing advancement in French, Spanish, Integrated Algebra and Earth Science. Students also have the opportunity to be enriched in PE, Art, History, STEM, Culinary and Press Room. HomeBase provides the opportunity for character education, PBIS initiatives, building wide initiatives, and connection with teachers. Millbrook Middle School operates under the team model and utilizes their daily time together to collaborate across disciplines, differentiate instruction, define best practices, discuss RtI intervention strategies, co-plan with special educators, and create student centered activities. Millbrook Middle School is proud to call themself one of few Essential Elements Schools to Watch in New York State, Go Blazers!
Academic Excellence
Accelerated Math and Science Program
Foreign Language in 7th & 8th grade in French and Spanish
Professional Development Aimed to Enhance Best Practices
Team Model
SPED programing spans the spectrum of services incl. Special Class, ICT, & Resource Room
Interdisciplinary Instruction
Academically Focused Co-Curricular Activities
Academic Intervention Service (AIS)
Mac Computer Lab
1 to 1 Chromebooks for all students
RtI (Response to Intervention)
Student of the Quarter Awards
End of the Year Academic Awards
Academic Achievement Award Quarterly Breakfasts
National Junior Honor Society
Library Media Center that includes Makerspace
Student- Centered inquiry Based Learning that align to the Common Core Learning Standards
Block Scheduling for ELA & Reading in the 6th grade
Enrichment program for 6th-8th graders (includes STEM 6-8, Press Room 7/8, Enriched PE 8, History through Film & Enriched Art 8)
Project Lead the Way Technology curriculum
Developmental Responsiveness
Naviance Programming for Career Development
Drama Program
Extracurricular Clubs and Activities
Interscholastic Sports Program
Reading is Foreveryone Program-Building wide reading initiative
One Book One School- Wonder & Refugee
Dedicated daily grade level team meetings
PTO Fund Raising Activities & Events
Student Government Association
Open House, Parent Teacher Conferences, Building Transition Orientations for Parents & Students
Parent Portal via SchoolTool
Principal’s regular communication via SchoolMessenger & Twitter
HomeBase Advisory/Character Ed Program
End of the year- Activity Day
Seminar 6 course (promotes character ed, problem solving, and habits of mind)
Monthly Activity Period that addresses Character Education & Building Initiatives
Social Equity
Student choice in participating in Enrichment and Accelerated programs
Anti-Bullying Assemblies
Heterogeneous Instructional Groups
Character Education
Equal access to after school activities
Fully inclusive classrooms.
Integrated Co-Teaching Model
Individualized & Differentiated Instruction
Organizational Support
School Counselor, Psychologist, and Administrative Suite
Common Team Planning Time
Team Meetings
Benchmark Assessments- AIMSweb, Scholastic SRI, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments
Assessment Technology- Moby Max, Ed Puzzle, News ELA, Quill, SMART Music, SuccessMaker, IXL & Vocabulary.com
Monthly Curriculum & Instruction training
Smart Board Technology Resources in all classrooms
New Teacher Mentoring Programs
Pineapple Chart- Teacher to Teacher informal observation process
Data-Driven Instruction & Data Team
Professional Development/Sharing Best Practices
Member of Dutchess County Middle Level Principal’s Network
MEF - Millbrook Educational Foundation financially supports educational endeavors through grants
Millbrook High School
Principal: Eric Seipp
We are a small public high school with a quality academic program that includes Advanced Placement classes, college credit courses through Dutchess Community College, Marist College, and Syracuse University Project Advance, and four courses in the Project Lead the Way engineering program administered through the Rochester Institute of Technology. For English language learners, our ESL courses prepare students for academic coursework in English in all content areas. Academic support also is provided through our WIN (What I Need) and Study Skills classes, both designed to assist students in maximizing their learning potential through one to one or small group instruction. Additional information on the high school curricula can be found in the high school Course Guide. Athletic and co-curricular activities are comprehensive and inclusive. Our music and art programs are exceptional: the Music Department has received the Best Communities for Music Education Award in consecutive years since 2014 and our Art students are recognized annually at the Scholastic Arts Awards.