Student Registration is Ongoing
Welcome to the Millbrook Central School District! We are excited to welcome your child to our schools. To help with the registration process, we ask families interested in registering their child/children, please note that three forms, the Registration Affidavit, Residency Questionnaire and the NYS School Health Examination Form, require handwritten signatures and cannot be completed electronically. These forms will be required with an original signature. *When registering, please make sure to select New User unless you have already started the registration process.
Please download the Registration Affidavit, Residency Questionnaire and NYS School Health Examination forms linked above, complete them, and submit them to or mail completed forms to Mrs. Mattes, at Millbrook High School, Attn: Central Registrar, PO Box AA, Millbrook, NY 12545. If emailing the forms, please include your child's name and grade in the subject line. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Mattes for guidance.
Please note that the following information is needed to complete your registration:
- Copy of original birth certificate with the raised seal OR copy of a passport; AND
- Immunization record; AND
- School tax bill OR lease agreement, OR mortgage statement; AND
- Utility bill (electric, cable, water, fuel) bill must state "for service at"
- Student's current IEP (if applicable)
- Additionally, physical examinations are required for all public school students entering Pre-K and the following immunizations are required:
- 4 doses DTaP
- 3 doses Polio
- 1 dose MMR
- 3 doses Hepatitis B
- 1 dose Varicella
- 1-4 doses Hib
- 1-4 doses PCV
Please click here to access SchoolTool to begin the Online Registration process
If you have any questions, please contact:
Mrs. Katherine Mattes, Central Registrar 845-677-2510 ext 2322 |
Millbrook High School PO Box AA Millbrook, NY 12545 Attn: Central Registrar |